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What are your goals Kristen?

“To live in peace and get on a banned book list somewhere. Preferably a sunny city with nice restaurants so I can visit. More of a dream than a goal really.”


Is Why Is My Bra Still On? your debut novel?


“Yes. And it probably shows.”


 Who is your target audience?

“Anyone who is into fun stories about euthanasia I suppose. Or, people who enjoy relatable yet odd characters, unconventional friendships, and a few surprises. Or cool Gen Xers”


 What do you say to your critics?

“My mom mentioned Why Is My Bra Still On? will probably sell twenty books because ‘I have a lot of friends.’ To her I say. ‘Hmph.’ Oh, and there was an anonymous person on Scribofile that said, ‘Words, words, words…yeah kill yourself.’ To said critic, I say - ‘That seemed a little rude.’”

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